amazon music podcasts

Stories live inside of us. Our team led the go-to-market launch of Podcasts on Amazon Music, debuting the first non-music content stream for the service. We leaned into the addictive storytelling of our podcast creators while crafting an entirely new look and feel across every brand-owned channel.

Our concept was simple: great stories change how we see the world from the inside out. Our audience may listen to podcasts while they’re on the move, but they finish episodes because the story moves them emotionally.

We developed an entire visual language in support of the launch. A new color, Broadcast, was introduced in a gradient between our brand blue and accent yellow. We also created Mesh, a new graphic patten evoking both the microphones used by modern creators and the grills from historic Philco radios harkening back to the Golden Age of broadcasting.

My team took the concept of how podcast listeners feel immersed in a story, and made it literal in a visual treatment for every category.

And at the moment of launch, we simply let the news speak for itself.