Saint Mary's College of California

Some schools are tougher than others. Saint Mary's College of California is one of the toughest. Here is how we helped them welcome a new year of freshmen.
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This is where we tell you what you’ll grow to love.
Let’s get with the toughness. In all its shades.
The 3 a.m. variety.
The owning up to mistakes toughness.
The gutting out two-a-days on the field or court kind of tough.
Or standing up for what’s right style of tough—even at personal risk.
Smart tough, too. Know that when it hurts is when you’re growing.
Learning to love the artists and performers. Anyone tough enough to bare their souls.
And it’s finding a sturdier spirit.
The tough that never gives up.
On friends
or family
or community
or something bigger than yourself.
You’re included.
You reading this right now
This is your acceptance.
Welcome to St. Mary’s College of California.

AD: Simon Blockley